The Indiana Secretary of State business search helps you ensure your preferred business name is available for registration. This is the first and most important step of the business registration process in the state. Every LLC registered in the state must have an LLC/L.L.C. designation included. In law, an LLC is not a corporation so it cannot contain words such as a corporation or incorporated.
The designators or qualifiers cannot be used to make a business name unique from another entity using the same name. For example, if an entity is registered as Spark Solutions LLC, you cannot register yours as Spark Solutions L.L.C. The Indiana secretary of State has developed a one-stop website known as INBiz where you can make all your business-related queries and filings.
Visit the Indiana Business Search page and search for your proposed name. If you find the name in the database, it means it is already taken and you need to propose a different one. If you do not find the name, it means no one has registered it and you can proceed with the registration process. The SOS allows you to reserve the name at a $50 fee. To conduct an LLC or Corporation search in Indiana, visit the Indiana Secretary of State Website. The types of organizations that you can search include:
- Professionals Corporations
- Business Corporations
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Limited Partnership
- Non-Profit Corporation (Inc.)
- General Corporation
Indiana Secretary of State Business Lookup Contact Details
Website | |
Phones | (317) 232-6531 (Direct line) (317) 232-6576 (Information line) (317)-233-3387 (Fax) |
Address | OFFICE ADDRESS: Indiana Secretary of State, Corporations Division 201 Statehouse Indianapolis, IN 46204 MAILING ADDRESS: Indiana Secretary of State 201 Statehouse Indianapolis, IN 46204 |
Hours | Monday — Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (EST) |
Business: [email protected] |
Indiana Business Entity & Corporation Search
Lookup Indiana Corporation Search
Step 1 – Visit the Indiana Secretary of State Website
Information for Indiana corporation search is available at the official website of the Indiana Secretary of State. The business entities you can search for include Business Corporations, Limited Liability Company (LLC), and Limited Partnership.
Criteria for Business Name search in Indiana are done using: Business Name, Business ID, Filing Number, Registered Agent, Incorporator, and Principal Name. Click on the search criteria and then type the required information.
Step 2: Select Your Entity
After typing the details, click the search icon to generate your search results. If the name is registered, a list of names will be displayed, as shown below.
Go through the matching results one by one and sort them out. To make your lookup easier, the table issued by the Indiana Secretary of State displays both the active, canceled and dissolved entities from the database. It consists of the Business ID, Business Name, Name Type, Entity Type, Principal Office Address, Registered Agent Name, and Status. Once you have located the listing you are looking for, check the Business ID column and click the link. You will be redirected to the Indiana Corporation Search/Information Page, showing the details of the specific entity.
Step 3: Download information
This is the last step of the lookup LLC, Indiana. You now have all the registration details, including:
- Business Name
- Entity Type
- Creation Date
- Principal Office Address
- Jurisdiction of Formation
- ID
- Status
- Inactive Date
- Expiration Date
- Report Due Date
- Governing Person Information
- Registered Agent Information
The Indiana Secretary of State allows requests for certified copies of all documents stored in its database. Confirm the fees that apply for each type of request made.
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