The Nebraska Secretary of State offers a free search for all business entities registered on its website. You are allowed to buy a Certificate of Good Standing, including copies of business entity documents filed with the SOS. The cost for ordering copies and certificates is $15 for every 1,000 records. Nebraska is a good state if you are planning to start a new business. The SOS offers several tax incentives like the ImagiNE Act.
Regardless of the business entity type that you want to start in Nebraska, the SOS requires you to register the entity. For Sole Proprietorships and General Partnerships, you are required to use your full given name. The only exception is if you decide to use an assumed name or a fictitious business name. Rules for naming LLCs and corporations in Nebraska are different.
Name your business entity and then visit the Nebraska Corporate & Business Search page to find out if it is available for registration. The Nebraska Secretary of State updates all business records every time a new entity is registered. The cost of reserving a name for registration at a later date is $30. To conduct an LLC or Corporation search in Nebraska, visit the Nebraska Secretary of State Website. The types of organizations that you can search include:
- Sole Proprietorships
- General Partnerships
- Professionals Corporations
- Business Corporations
- Limited Liability Companies (LLC)
- Non-Profit Corporations (Inc.)
- General Corporations
Nebraska Secretary of State Business Lookup Contact Details
Website | |
Phones | (402) 471-4079 (Voice) (402) 471-2554 (402)-471-3666 (Fax) |
Address | OFFICE ADDRESS: 1201 N Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, NE 68508 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 94608, Lincoln, NE 68509-4608 |
Hours | Monday — Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST) |
Business: [email protected] |
Nebraska Business Entity & Corporation Search
Lookup Nebraska Corporation Search
Step 1 – Visit the Nebraska Secretary of State Website
Information for Nebraska corporation search is available at the official website of the Nebraska Secretary of State. The business entities you can search for include Sole Proprietorships, General Partnerships, Professionals Corporations, Business Corporations, and Limited Liability Companies (LLC).
Criteria for Business Name search in Nebraska is done using: Name Starts With, Name Keyword Search, Name Sounds Like, Name Exact Match, and Account Number. If you want a more detailed report, contact the Nebraska Secretary of State through email or telephone.
Step 2: Select Your Entity
After keying your options, click the search icon to generate your search results. If the name is registered, a list of names will be displayed as shown below.
Go through the matching results one by one and sort them out. To make your lookup easier, the table issued by the Nebraska Secretary of State displays both the active and inactive entities from the database. It consists of the Name, Secretary of State Account Number, Type, Status, and Details. Once you have located the listing you are looking for, check the Details column and click the link. You will be redirected to the Nebraska Corporation Search/Information Page, showing the details of the specific entity.
Step 3: Download the information
This is the last step of the lookup LLC Nebraska. You now have all the registration details, including:
- SOS Account Number
- Status
- Principal Office Address
- Registered Agent and Office Address
- Nature of Business
- Entity Type
- Date Filed
- Next Report Due Date
- Filed Documents
The Nebraska Secretary of State allows the purchase of documents that confirm an entity’s good standing. Before you make an online request for certificates, contact the SOS first through email or telephone to receive instructions on the procedure to follow. The cost for certified document request is $0.45 per page.
Nebraska SOS Rules and Regulations