Oregon has a highly educated workforce which makes it an ideal state to start a business. It has favorable tax conditions and is full of natural resources. Compared to its neighbors, it is easier to do business in Oregon. There are rules and procedures you must follow before you start a business in the state. You need to register your business and decide if you want it to be an LLC, corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship.
Your first step is to perform a business search after choosing a distinguishable name. It must be unique from any other business registered in the state. If it is a corporation, you must include the words Company, Inc., Incorporated, Corp., or Corporation. A limited liability company requires you to include L.L.C. or LLC. If you want to run a DBA, you need to submit an Assumed Business Name registration form.
Business entity search in Oregon is done through the Corporation Division website. The division maintains an updated record of all businesses registered in the state. You can access the website and perform an Oregon business name search to find out if your distinguishable name is available for registration. If the name is available, you can start the registration process or reserve it to register later. Name reservation costs $100 for corporations and LLCs and $50 for DBAs. To conduct an LLC or Corporation search in Oregon, visit the Oregon Secretary of State Website. The types of organizations that you can search include:
- General Partnership
- Limited Liability Company
- Limited Partnership
- Limited Liability Partnership
- Corporation
Oregon Secretary of State Business Lookup Contact Details
Website | https://sos.oregon.gov/ |
Phones | (503) 986-2200 (Voice) (503) 378-4381 (Fax) |
Address | OFFICE ADDRESS: Corporation Division 255 Capitol St.NE, Suite 151 Salem, OR 97310-1327 MAILING ADDRESS: Corporation Division 255 Capitol St.NE, Suite 151 Salem, OR 97310-1327 |
Hours | Monday — Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (PST) |
Business: [email protected] |
Oregon Business Entity & Corporation Search
Lookup Oregon Corporation Search
Step 1 – Visit the Oregon State Corporate Division Search Website
Information for the Oregon corporation search is available at the official website of the Oregon Secretary of State. The business entities you can search for include Limited General Partnership, Limited Liability Company, Limited Partnership, and Limited Liability Partnership.
Criteria for Business Name search in Oregon is done using: Business Name or Registry Number. If you want a more detailed report, contact the Oregon State Corporation Division through email or telephone.
Step 2: Select Your Entity
After keying your options, click the search icon to generate your search results. If the name is registered, a list of names will be displayed as shown below.
Go through the matching results one by one and sort them out. To make your lookup easier, the search results table displays the active and inactive entities from the database. It consists of the Record Number, Entity Type and Entity Status, registry Number, Name Status, and Entity Name. Once you have located the listing you are looking for, check the Name column and click the link. You will be redirected to the Oregon Corporation Search/Information Page, showing the details of the specific entity.
Step 3: Download the information
This is the last step of the lookup LLC Oregon. You now have all the registration details, including:
- Registry Number
- Entity Name
- Foreign Name
- Entity Type
- Entity Status
- Jurisdiction
- Registry Date
- Next Renewal Date
- Renewal Due
- Registered Agent Details
The Oregon Secretary of State allows the generation and printing of an entity’s annual report. You can order certified copies of the entity documents. The cost for certified copies of certificates or reports is $5.