New Mexico is one of the states that offer investors low startup costs. If you are starting an LLC, You do not need to file annual reports. Although you get various attractive perks in New Mexico, it is necessary to protect your business assets by registering the business as a legal entity.
To start the process, think about a unique name to give to your business. If you want to register a sole proprietorship, you are allowed to use your given name unless you decide to register a DBA. For LLCs and corporations, you need to include LLC, Limited, Corp., or Inc. descriptors. Avoid including a word or phrase that might imply the business has another purpose other than what you are registering it for.
The New Mexico Corporations and Business Services department is responsible for business entity search and registration. It also maintains an updated record of all businesses registered in the state. You can access the website and perform a business entity search to find out if your unique name is available for registration. If your preferred name is available, go through the next registration steps. Name reservation costs $20 for LLCs and $25 for corporations. To conduct an LLC or Corporation search in New Mexico, visit the New Mexico Secretary of State Website. The types of organizations that you can search include:
- Corporations
- Sole Proprietorships
- General Partnerships
- Limited partnerships
- Limited Liability Partnerships
- Limited Liability Companies
New Mexico Secretary of State Business Lookup Contact Details
Website | |
Phones | (800) 477-3632 (Toll-Free) (505) 827-3600 (505)-827-4387 (Fax) |
Address | OFFICE ADDRESS: New Mexico Capital Annex North 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 Santa Fe, NM 87501 MAILING ADDRESS: 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 Santa Fe, NM 87501 |
Hours | Monday — Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (MST) |
Business: [email protected] |
New Mexico Business Entity & Corporation Search
Lookup New Mexico Corporation Search
Step 1 – Visit the Corporations and Business Services department Website
Information for the New Mexico corporation search is available at the official website of the New Mexico Secretary of State. The business entities you can search for include Corporations, Sole Proprietorships, General Partnerships, Limited partnerships, and Limited Liability Partnerships.
Criteria for Business Name search in New Mexico is done using: Entity Name / DBA Name, Business ID, and Registration Number. If you want a more detailed report, contact the New Mexico Corporations and Business Services department through email or telephone.
Step 2: Select Your Entity
After keying your options, click the search icon to generate your search results. If the name is registered, a list of names will be displayed as shown below.
Go through the matching results one by one and sort them out. To make your lookup easier, the search results table displays the active, revoked, dissolved, and withdrawn entities from the database. It consists of the Entity Name, DBA Name, Business ID, Entity Type, State of Incorporation, Sovereign, Status, and Date of Expiration. Once you have located the listing you are looking for, check the Entity Name column and click the link. You will be redirected to the New Mexico Corporation Search/Information Page, showing the details of the specific entity.
Step 3: Download the information
This is the last step of the lookup LLC New Mexico. You now have all the registration details, including:
- Business ID
- Entity Name
- DBA Name
- Status
- Standing
- Entity Type
- Statute Law Code
- Formation Date
- Reporting Information
- Registered Agent
- Contact Information
The New Mexico Secretary of State allows you to request certified copies of all documents stored in its database at a fee. The only exception is if the entity is specifically exempted from disclosure based on state or federal law.